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Software Development Best Practices Guide

GitHub Repository Management

One Project, One GitHub Repo

It is best practice to create one GitHub repository per project. This helps to maintain clarity, organization, and manageability. Each project should have a dedicated repository to keep all relevant code, documentation, and resources in one place.

Standard Repo Naming Convention: Use kebab-case for naming your repositories.

Example: my-github-repo

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Repository Scaffolding

Standardizing the project structure ensures consistency, ease of navigation, and efficient collaboration across projects. When code is always in the src folder, team members can quickly locate files. This also facilitates onboarding of new team members, improves maintainability, and enhances the overall productivity by reducing the time spent searching for files and understanding project layout.

Read more about repository scaffolding best practices

Standardize the File

The file is crucial for providing an overview of the project, instructions for setup, usage, and contribution guidelines. Standardizing this file ensures that every project has a clear and informative introduction, making it easier for new developers and users to understand and contribute to the project. A well-maintained can significantly enhance the accessibility and usability of the project.

Read more about best practices

One Branch per JIRA Story/Bug

Creating a separate branch for each JIRA story or bug ensures that changes are isolated and can be reviewed and tested independently. This practice improves code quality and makes it easier to track changes related to specific issues.

Read more about branching best practices

Multiple Commits per Branch

Making multiple, small commits helps to save progress and reduces the risk of losing work. It also makes it easier to review changes and identify issues. Each commit should represent a logical unit of work and include a meaningful commit message.

Commit Best Practices

Committing frequently helps ensure progress is saved and reduces the risk of losing work. Each commit should represent a logical unit of work and include a meaningful commit message. This practice improves code quality and makes it easier to track changes.

Read more about commit best practices

Environment Management

Python Virtual Environments

Using a dedicated Python virtual environment for each project helps avoid conflicts between dependencies and ensures that the project’s dependencies are isolated. This practice prevents the base environment from being inadvertently modified and makes it easier to manage and replicate the project environment.

Read more about Python virtual environments

Coding Standards

Code and Text Length Standards

Adhering to code and text length standards ensures that your code is readable and maintainable. Limiting line lengths helps prevent horizontal scrolling and makes it easier for team members to review code and understand comments.

  • Comments: 72 characters
  • Code: 79 characters

Read more about Python Line Length Standards

Python Docstring Style

Using a consistent docstring style, such as the Google style, ensures that your documentation is clear and easy to follow. Well-written docstrings help team members understand the purpose and usage of your code, which is crucial for collaboration and maintenance.

Read more about Python Docstring Conventions

Data Management

Data Folder Structure

Organizing your data folder by data processing stage helps maintain clarity and order in your projects. This approach makes it easier to locate and manage data files relevant to different stages of data processing.

Read more about ML Data Folder Naming Guide

Field/Column Naming

Using snake_case for field and column names ensures consistency and readability across your datasets. This practice facilitates easier data manipulation and querying.

Read more about Column Naming Conventions

File Naming Convention

Adhering to a consistent file naming convention like snake_case helps maintain organization and makes it easier to find and manage files. This practice is crucial for collaborative work and long-term project maintenance.

Read more about File Naming Conventions

Experiment Tracking

Experiment Tracking Practices

Using a consistent experiment tracking practice is crucial for reproducibility and effective collaboration in machine learning projects. Tools like Weights & Biases (W&B) help you keep track of your experiments, visualize results, and share findings with your team.

Read more about W&B Experiment Tracking for RAG

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

OOP Best Practices

Designing classes and methods properly is essential for creating maintainable and scalable code in machine learning projects. Following OOP principles ensures that your code is organized, reusable, and easy to understand.

Read more about Python OOP for ML Projects