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How to Back Up Weights & Biases Experiments Locally on MacBook Pro

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to back up your Weights & Biases (W&B) experiments when running locally on a MacBook Pro. Following the Detaxis approach for structured technical documentation, this guide ensures that you can securely and efficiently safeguard your data.

Define the Task

Backing up W&B experiments involves saving experiment data, metadata, and artifacts to prevent data loss and ensure reproducibility of results.


  • You have W&B set up and running locally on your MacBook Pro.
  • Basic familiarity with terminal commands.

Tools and Requirements

  • Terminal access on MacBook Pro.
  • Optional: Access to cloud storage services or an external hard drive for remote backups.

Task Instructions

1. Export W&B Data

  • Action: Use the W&B CLI to export project data.
  • Commands:
    wandb export USERNAME/PROJECT_NAME --output file.json
    Replace USERNAME with your W&B username and PROJECT_NAME with the name of your project.

2. Database Backup

  • Action: Locate and copy the W&B local SQLite database for backup.
  • Location: The default W&B directory is ~/wandb. Find the local.db file within this directory.
  • Backup Command:
    cp ~/wandb/local.db /path/to/your/backup/location

3. Artifact Storage

  • Action: Manually back up the artifacts directory.
  • Command:
    cp -R ~/wandb/artifacts /path/to/your/backup/location

4. Automate Backups

  • Action: Create a script to automate the backup process.
  • Details: Use the provided example backup script, modifying paths and destinations as needed. Schedule this script using cron for periodic backups.

5. Version Control Integration

  • Action: Ensure that your project code is under version control (e.g., Git).
  • Purpose: Facilitates matching experiment results with code versions, enhancing reproducibility.

Verification Steps

  1. Check Exported Data: Ensure that the JSON or CSV file contains all relevant experiment data.
  2. Validate Database Copy: Verify that the local.db file is correctly copied to your backup location and is not corrupted.
  3. Artifact Backup: Confirm that all files in the artifacts directory are present in your backup location.
  4. Test Automation Script: Execute your backup script manually to ensure it works as expected. Check the backup destination for the new backup folder.
  5. Review Backup Frequency: Ensure that your backup script is scheduled appropriately and runs at the desired frequency.


  • Issue: Export command fails.
  • Solution: Check your W&B username and project name for typos. Ensure you're connected to the internet if using W&B cloud.
  • Issue: Backup script does not run automatically.
  • Solution: Verify the cron job setup. Check for syntax errors in your cron configuration.
  • Issue: Insufficient backup space.
  • Solution: Regularly monitor your backup location's available space. Consider using cloud storage for additional capacity.

Automating Backups with a Script

To simplify and automate the backup process for Weights & Biases experiments on your MacBook Pro, you can use a shell script. This section provides an example script and instructions on how to set it up for automated execution using cron.

Backup Script Example

Below is an example of a backup script named This script backs up the W&B local database and artifacts to a specified backup directory.


# Define the source and destination directories
BACKUP_DIR="/path/to/your/backup/location/$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)"

# Create a new backup directory with a timestamp
mkdir -p "$BACKUP_DIR"

# Backup the local database
cp "$WANDB_DIR/local.db" "$BACKUP_DIR"

# Backup artifacts
cp -R "$WANDB_DIR/artifacts" "$BACKUP_DIR/artifacts"

echo "Backup completed successfully."


  1. Create the Script:
  2. Open your terminal.
  3. Use a text editor (e.g., nano or vim) to create a new file named
  4. Copy and paste the script above into the file.
  5. Replace /path/to/your/backup/location with the actual path where you want to store your backups.

  6. Make the Script Executable:

  7. Run the following command in your terminal:

    chmod +x

  8. Automating Execution with cron:

  9. Open your crontab for editing by running:
    crontab -e
  10. Add a line to schedule the script execution. For example, to run the backup daily at 2 AM, add:
    0 2 * * * /path/to/your/
  11. Save and close the editor. cron will now execute the script according to the schedule.

Verification and Monitoring

  • After setting up the script and scheduling it with cron, verify that it runs as expected by checking the backup directory for new backups after the scheduled time.
  • Monitor your system logs and the backup directory to ensure ongoing successful executions. You might want to set up email notifications for cron jobs to stay informed about the backup script's execution status.


Automating the backup process ensures that your Weights & Biases experiments and data are regularly saved without manual intervention. By following these steps, you create a resilient and efficient backup workflow, safeguarding your valuable machine learning experiments.


By following these steps, you've created a robust backup strategy for your Weights & Biases experiments. Regular backups ensure that your data is secure and that your experiments are reproducible, regardless of unforeseen data loss.

Further Assistance

For more detailed information on W&B features and troubleshooting, visit the Weights & Biases documentation.