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Enforcing Naming Conventions Using GitHub Actions


Enforcing consistent naming conventions in machine learning projects is crucial for organization and clarity. GitHub Actions provides a seamless solution to automate naming convention checks in your GitHub repositories.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setup GitHub Actions for Naming Convention Checks

  1. Creating the Workflow File:
  2. Place a YAML file named check_naming_convention.yml in the .github/workflows/ directory.
  3. Define triggers for the workflow (e.g., on push and pull requests) and the script to execute.

  4. Writing the Validation Script:

  5. Add a Python script to .github/scripts/.
  6. The script should contain functions to validate naming conventions using regular expressions.

  7. Executing the Workflow:

  8. The workflow runs on each push or pull request, executing the Python script.
  9. It checks file and branch names, failing if naming conventions are violated.

Example Workflow File

name: Check Naming Convention

on: [push, pull_request]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Validate Naming Convention
      run: python .github/scripts/
        GITHUB_REF: ${{ github.ref }}

Example Python Script Structure

This module `` is part of a GitHub Actions workflow
designed to enforce naming conventions across various assets in a
machine learning project. It includes functions to validate the naming
of Jupyter notebooks, Python scripts, model persistence files, data
files, and Git branches.

The module contains the following key functions: -
`validate_ml_file_naming`: Checks naming conventions for Jupyter
notebooks and Python scripts.  - `validate_model_file_naming`: Ensures
model file names adhere to the specified naming standards.  -
`validate_data_file_naming`: Validates data file names against the
project's naming conventions.  - `validate_git_branch_naming`: Checks if
the Git branch names follow the predefined naming patterns.

The script is executed as part of a GitHub Actions workflow and is
essential for maintaining consistency, readability, and organization of
files in the repository.

Note: - This script is meant to be run as a GitHub Action and relies on
environmental variables provided by GitHub workflows.  - Regular
expressions are used for pattern matching to validate the naming

import os
import re
import sys

def validate_ml_file_naming(filename):
    Check if the filename adheres to the ML project's naming convention.

    filename : str
        The name of the file to be checked.

        True if the filename matches the naming convention, False

    The naming convention expected:
    '<type>_<topic>_<version>_<YYYYMMDD>.<extension>' Where: - <type> is
    a flexible, user-defined category (e.g., 'eda', 'preprocess').  -
    <topic> is a concise descriptor of the main focus.  - <version> is
    an optional version identifier.  - <YYYYMMDD> is the creation or
    last modified date.  - <extension> is either '.ipynb' for Jupyter
    notebooks or '.py' for Python scripts.
    # Regex pattern with a more flexible 'type' component
    pattern = re.compile(r"^\w+_\w+(_v\d+)?_\d{8}\.[ipynb|py]$")
    return pattern.match(filename)

def validate_model_file_naming(filename):
    Check if the filename adheres to the model persistence file naming

    filename : str
        The name of the model file to be checked.

        True if the filename matches the naming convention, False

    The naming convention for model persistence files is:
    '<project_name>_<model_version>_<model_type>_<timestamp>.pkl' This
    includes: - `project_name`: Name of the project.  - `model_version`:
    Version of the model, following semantic versioning.  -
    `model_type`: Type or name of the model.  - `timestamp`: Date when
    the model was saved (YYYYMMDD format).
    pattern = re.compile(r"^\w+_(v\d+\.\d+\.\d+)_\w+_\d{8}\.pkl$")
    return pattern.match(filename)

def validate_data_file_naming(filename):
    Check if the filename adheres to the data file naming convention.

    filename : str
        The name of the data file to be checked.

        True if the filename matches the naming convention, False

    The naming convention for data files is:
    This includes: - `dataset_name`: Identifier for the dataset.  -
    `version`: Version of the dataset, following semantic versioning or
    numbering.  - `creation_date`: Date of creation or last modification
    (YYYYMMDD format).  - `description`: Brief description of the
    dataset or subset.  - `extension`: File extension indicating the
    file type (e.g., 'csv', 'xlsx', 'json').
    pattern = re.compile(r"^\w+_(v\d+\.\d+\.\d+|\d+)_\d{8}_\w+\.\w+$")
    return pattern.match(filename)

def validate_git_branch_naming():
    Check if the Git branch name adheres to the naming convention.
    branch_ref = os.getenv("GITHUB_REF")
    if not branch_ref:
        print("No branch reference found.")
        return True  # Might not be a branch push, so don't fail the check.

    # Extract the branch name from refs/heads/your-branch-name
    branch_name = branch_ref.split("/")[-1]
    pattern = re.compile(
    return pattern.match(branch_name)

def main():
    The main function to validate naming conventions in a machine
    learning project.

    This function executes a series of naming convention checks on
    various file types, including model files, Jupyter notebooks, Python
    scripts, and data files. It also validates Git branch names. If any
    file or branch name does not adhere to the predefined naming
    conventions, the function flags an error.

    The checks are performed as follows: - For Git branch names, using
    the `validate_git_branch_naming` function.  - For model files
    (*.pkl), using the `validate_model_file_naming` function.  - For
    Jupyter notebooks and Python scripts (*.ipynb, *.py), using the
      `validate_ml_file_naming` function.
    - For data files (*.csv, *.xlsx, *.json), using the
      `validate_data_file_naming` function.

    If any naming convention violations are found, the script exits with
    a status code of 1, indicating an error. This is used in the context
    of GitHub Actions workflows to flag naming convention violations in
    pull requests or pushes.
    error = False
    if not validate_git_branch_naming():
        print(f"Invalid Git branch naming convention.")
        error = True

    for root, _, files in os.walk("."):
        for file in files:
            if file.endswith(".pkl") and not validate_model_file_naming(file):
                print(f"Invalid model file naming convention: {file}")
                error = True
            elif file.endswith((".ipynb", ".py")) and not \
                print(f"Invalid notebook/script naming convention: {file}")
                error = True
            elif file.endswith((".csv", ".xlsx", ".json")) and \
                 not validate_data_file_naming(file):
                print(f"Invalid data file naming convention: {file}")
                error = True

    if error:

if __name__ == "__main__":


This GitHub Actions workflow promotes consistent and organized naming across your project, serving as a preventive measure against naming irregularities in the main codebase.