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Best Practices for Creating JIRA Stories for ML/AI Projects

Creating well-defined JIRA stories is crucial for the success of any ML/AI project. Clear and concise stories help ensure that team members understand the tasks, leading to better planning, execution, and tracking. Here are some best practices for creating JIRA stories in ML/AI projects:

1. Define the Goal Clearly

  • Objective: Start with a clear and concise statement of what the story aims to achieve. The goal should align with the project’s overall objectives.
  • Example: "Develop a model to predict customer churn with at least 80% accuracy."

2. Include Detailed Requirements

  • Data Requirements: Specify the datasets needed, including their sources and any preprocessing steps required.
  • Technical Requirements: Mention the algorithms, libraries, frameworks, and tools to be used.
  • Performance Metrics: Define the metrics that will be used to evaluate the success of the task (e.g., accuracy, precision, recall).

3. Break Down the Task

  • Subtasks: Divide the story into smaller, manageable subtasks. Each subtask should represent a specific piece of work that contributes to the story.
  • Example Subtasks:
  • Collect and preprocess data.
  • Perform exploratory data analysis.
  • Train and validate the model.
  • Deploy the model to production.
  • Monitor model performance.

4. Define Acceptance Criteria

  • Clear Criteria: List the conditions that must be met for the story to be considered complete. Acceptance criteria should be specific, measurable, and testable.
  • Example: "The model should achieve at least 80% accuracy on the validation dataset."

5. Provide Context and Background

  • Context: Include any relevant background information or context that helps team members understand the importance and scope of the story.
  • Example: "This model will help reduce customer churn by identifying at-risk customers early, allowing the marketing team to take proactive measures."
  • Dependencies: Link the story to any related JIRA issues or epics to provide visibility into dependencies.
  • Documentation: Provide links to relevant documentation, datasets, research papers, or other resources that may assist in completing the story.

7. Estimate Effort and Assign Responsibilities

  • Effort Estimation: Estimate the effort required to complete the story, using story points or another appropriate metric.
  • Assignees: Assign the story to the appropriate team member(s) with the necessary skills and expertise.

8. Use Descriptive Titles

  • Title: Ensure the story title is descriptive and provides a quick understanding of the task.
  • Example: "Develop a customer churn prediction model using logistic regression."

9. Add Labels and Components

  • Labels: Use relevant labels to categorize the story (e.g., data-preprocessing, model-training, deployment).
  • Components: If your JIRA project uses components, assign the story to the appropriate component (e.g., Data Engineering, Model Development).

10. Review and Refine

  • Review: Regularly review and refine JIRA stories during sprint planning or backlog grooming sessions to ensure they remain relevant and up-to-date.
  • Feedback: Encourage team members to provide feedback on stories to improve clarity and completeness.

Example JIRA Story Template

Title: Develop a customer churn prediction model using logistic regression

Description: Create a machine learning model to predict customer churn. The model should achieve at least 80% accuracy on the validation dataset. This will help the marketing team to identify at-risk customers and take proactive measures to retain them.


  • Data: Customer transaction data from the last 12 months.
  • Algorithms: Logistic regression.
  • Libraries: Scikit-learn, Pandas, NumPy.
  • Performance Metrics: Accuracy, precision, recall.


  1. Collect and preprocess data.
  2. Perform exploratory data analysis.
  3. Train and validate the logistic regression model.
  4. Deploy the model to production.
  5. Monitor model performance.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The model achieves at least 80% accuracy on the validation dataset.
  • The model is deployed to production and accessible via API.
  • Model performance is monitored, and results are reported weekly.

Context: This model will help reduce customer churn by identifying at-risk customers early, allowing the marketing team to take proactive measures.


Estimate: 5 Story Points

Assignee: John Doe

Labels: data-preprocessing, model-training, deployment

Components: Model Development

By following these best practices, you can create JIRA stories that are clear, actionable, and aligned with the goals of your ML/AI project.