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Code and Comment Length Standards in Python Projects


Maintaining consistent code and comment lengths is crucial for readability and maintainability. This guide outlines the standards for line lengths in code and comments and explains how to configure and use Visual Studio Code (VS Code) to enforce these standards.


  • Comments: Limit comments to 72 characters per line.
  • Code: Limit code lines to 79 characters.

These standards help ensure that the codebase remains readable and manageable, particularly when reviewing code in different environments.

Configuring VS Code

To enforce these standards, we have pre-configured the following files in the repository:

  • .vscode/settings.json
  • .vscode/extensions.json
  • pyproject.toml

As a developer, you do not need to touch or modify these files. They are set up to ensure consistent standards across the project.

Step 1: Pre-configured VS Code Settings

The .vscode/settings.json file is set to include rulers at 72 and 79 characters. This provides a visual cue for the character limits.

    "editor.rulers": [
    "rewrap.wrappingColumn": 72,
    "[python]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "",
        "editor.formatOnSave": false
    "rewrap.autoWrap.enabled": true

Step 2: Pre-configured Extensions

The .vscode/extensions.json file includes the necessary extensions like Black formatter and Ruff linter to enforce the standards.

    "recommendations": [

Step 3: Pre-configured pyproject.toml

The pyproject.toml file is configured to use Black and Ruff, adhering to the line length standards. These libraries have been included under [] and this section should not be changed to maintain consistent formatting and linting across the project.

line-length = 79

line-length = 79

black = { version = "23.7.0", extras = ["jupyter"] }
ruff = "0.3.2"
# Other dependencies...

Using VS Code Tools

  1. Visual Indicators: The rulers at 72 and 79 characters will help you visually align your code and comments.
  2. Rewrap Extension: Use the Rewrap extension to format comments quickly:
  3. Select the comment text.
  4. Press Command + Shift + P (to open the Command Palette) and search for "Rewrap comment/text".

Example Usage

Before Rewrap:

# This is a very long comment that exceeds the recommended 72 characters per line limit and should be wrapped.
def example_function():

After Rewrap:

# This is a very long comment that exceeds the recommended 72 characters
# per line limit and should be wrapped.
def example_function():


By following these standards and using the pre-configured tools provided in the repository, you can maintain a clean and readable codebase. Consistent line lengths for code and comments improve readability, making it easier for team members to understand and review code. The configurations in .vscode/settings.json, .vscode/extensions.json, and pyproject.toml enforce these standards automatically, so developers can focus on writing quality code without worrying about configuration details. Additionally, the Python libraries Ruff and Black included in [] should not be changed to ensure consistent formatting and linting practices across the project.