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Data Version control

Using DVC for Data Version Control


In the realm of data science and machine learning, managing and versioning large datasets effectively is crucial for maintaining the integrity and reproducibility of projects. Data Version Control (DVC) is an essential tool that provides robust mechanisms for data versioning. By integrating DVC into our workflow, we gain a high level of control over our data assets, ensuring that our datasets are managed in a consistent, traceable, and efficient manner.

DVC is designed to complement the traditional code version control systems, allowing us to handle large data files and datasets with ease. It enables our team to track changes in data, manage different versions of datasets, and link specific data versions to our experiments and model versions. This capability is vital for ensuring that our projects are reproducible and that we can easily revert or branch data as needed, just like we do with our code.

Why DVC?

DVC stands out as a tool specifically tailored for data management in several key ways:

  • Versioning Large Datasets: It provides a Git-like interface for data files, enabling us to track changes and maintain a history of modifications.
  • Reproducibility: By binding specific versions of data to our project stages, DVC ensures that we can always replicate our results with the exact data used in any given experiment.
  • Collaboration: With DVC, sharing data changes becomes more manageable, allowing for synchronized and consistent data usage across the team.

Integrating DVC into our data management strategy solidifies our commitment to maintaining best practices in data handling, ensuring that our projects are not only innovative but also methodically sound and reproducible.

Setting Up DVC for Data Version Control

Integrating Data Version Control (DVC) into our workflow is a straightforward process. DVC is versatile and supports various storage options including cloud services like Azure and AWS, as well as local storage. Here’s how you can set it up:

Step 1: Initialize DVC in Your Project

Navigate to your project repository and initialize DVC:

dvc init

This command creates a .dvc directory, signifying that DVC is now tracking the data in this repository.

Step 2: Set Up Remote Storage

DVC supports various storage backends. Depending on where you want to host your data (Azure, AWS, or locally), the setup will differ slightly.

  • For Azure Blob Storage:

    dvc remote add -d myremote azure://mycontainer/path
    dvc remote modify myremote connection_string 'myconnectionstring'

  • For AWS S3:

    dvc remote add -d myremote s3://mybucket/path
    # Configure AWS credentials via environment variables, AWS credentials file, or IAM roles.

  • For Local Storage:

    dvc remote add -d myremote /path/to/local/storage

In these commands, myremote is the name of the remote storage, which you can change to something more descriptive of your specific setup.

Step 3: Add Data to DVC

Add your data files or directories to DVC. This tells DVC to track the specified files or directories:

dvc add data/dataset.csv

Step 4: Commit Changes to Version Control

After adding files or directories to DVC, commit the changes to both DVC and Git. This synchronizes the data tracking with your version control system:

git add data/dataset.csv.dvc data/.gitignore
git commit -m "Add dataset with DVC"

Step 5: Push Data to Remote Storage

Finally, push your data to the configured remote storage. This ensures that your data is backed up and can be shared with others:

dvc push

Local Data Updates with DVC: An Example


Imagine you have a dataset file named dataset.csv that you're already tracking with DVC. You've made some updates to this file - perhaps you've added more data, removed some entries, or modified existing data.

How DVC Detects Changes

  1. DVC's Checksum Mechanism:
  2. DVC uses a checksum (a type of hash value) to track the version of each file. When you first run dvc add dataset.csv, DVC calculates and stores this file's checksum in the corresponding .dvc file.
  3. When you modify dataset.csv, its checksum changes. DVC detects that the current checksum of the file doesn't match the one stored in the .dvc file, indicating that the file has been altered.

  4. Communicating Changes to the User:

  5. To see which files have changed, you can use the command dvc status. This command compares the current checksums of files with those stored in .dvc files.
  6. If there are changes, DVC will list the files that have been modified. For example, it might show dataset.csv as 'modified.'

Example Commands to Track New Data Version

  1. Add the Updated File to DVC:
  2. Run dvc add dataset.csv again. This updates the .dvc file with the new checksum for the modified dataset.csv.
  3. This command is crucial as it tells DVC to track this new version of the file.

  4. Commit the Changes to Version Control:

  5. After updating the .dvc file, commit these changes to your Git repository:

    git add dataset.csv.dvc
    git commit -m "Update dataset.csv with new data"

  6. Push the Changes:

  7. Use dvc push to upload the new version of dataset.csv to your remote DVC storage. This ensures that the updated data is backed up and available for others.

The Purpose of This Process

  • Reproducibility: By tracking every change to your data, you ensure that every stage of your project can be reproduced, using the exact version of the data that was used originally.
  • Collaboration: This process makes sure that all team members are aware of the data changes and can access the exact same data versions, leading to consistent results across different environments.
  • Traceability: Keeping track of data changes allows you to trace back to any point in the project’s history, understand what data was used, and why certain decisions were made.


In summary, DVC’s mechanism of detecting changes through checksums, combined with its integration with Git, allows you to effectively version your data. This ensures that your datasets are consistently managed and that changes are transparent and traceable across your team. The process of updating data, running dvc add, committing changes, and pushing to remote storage is essential for maintaining the integrity and reproducibility of your data science projects.

The process for handling data updates with DVC is similar for both local and cloud-based data, but there are some key differences to consider, particularly in how changes are detected and synchronized.

Cloud Data Updates with DVC: The Process


Suppose your data is hosted on a cloud storage service (like AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage, etc.), and you've updated the dataset directly in the cloud, bypassing your local machine.

Detecting Changes in Cloud Data

  1. Local vs. Cloud State:
  2. DVC does not automatically detect changes made directly in the cloud storage. Instead, it relies on the local .dvc files to track the data state.
  3. To understand what's changed in the cloud, you need to manually synchronize your local DVC environment with the cloud.

  4. Synchronizing Local and Cloud:

  5. Run dvc pull. This command checks the remote storage for any changes or new versions of the files and downloads them to your local machine.
  6. When you execute dvc pull, DVC compares the checksums from the cloud with those stored locally in your .dvc files. If there are differences, DVC retrieves the updated files.

Updating Cloud Data in DVC

  1. Pull the Updated Data:
  2. After detecting changes in the cloud, use dvc pull to update your local copy with the latest version from the cloud.

  3. Track and Commit the Changes Locally:

  4. If you want to version these updates (which is a best practice), you should dvc add the updated files and commit the changes to your Git repository, just like with local updates:

    dvc add dataset.csv
    git add dataset.csv.dvc
    git commit -m "Update dataset.csv with cloud changes"

  5. Push the Changes to Remote Storage:

  6. In case there are any further local changes or if you need to synchronize the .dvc files, use dvc push.

The Purpose of This Process for Cloud Data

  • Consistency and Reproducibility: Even when data is stored and updated in the cloud, it’s crucial to maintain consistency and reproducibility by tracking these changes through DVC.
  • Collaborative Work: This process ensures that all team members are working with the latest version of the data, regardless of where it is stored or updated.
  • Version Control Integration: By integrating DVC with cloud storage and your local Git repository, you maintain a robust version control system for your data.

Key Differences from Local Data

  • Manual Synchronization Required: Unlike local data changes, which you can detect by running dvc status, changes in the cloud require a manual dvc pull to synchronize.
  • Local Tracking of Cloud Changes: It's important to track cloud changes locally using DVC and Git to maintain version control and project history.


While the core principles of data versioning with DVC remain the same, cloud data updates involve an additional step of manually synchronizing your local environment with the cloud. This ensures that your data management practices are consistent, transparent, and aligned with the collaborative needs of your project.

Communication of Data Version in a Collaborative Setting

When working collaboratively on a project using DVC and GitHub, communication and transparency about data and model versions are key. Here's how your colleagues can be made aware of the specific data version used in a particular branch of the project for training a machine learning model:

  1. Commit Messages and Pull Requests:
  2. When you commit changes (including DVC-tracked files) to a branch and push to GitHub, write clear and descriptive commit messages. For example: "Update dataset.csv to version 2.1 for model training".
  3. If you're using Pull Requests (PRs), ensure the description clearly states the changes in the data and the rationale behind these changes. This helps team members understand the context of the update.

  4. DVC Files in Git:

  5. DVC tracks data changes using .dvc files which are committed to Git. These files contain metadata about the data file versions.
  6. When you push these changes to GitHub, your colleagues can see the updated .dvc files in the commits or PRs. By examining these files, they can identify which version of the data you used.

  7. DVC Pull to Sync Data:

  8. After pulling the latest changes from GitHub, your colleagues should run dvc pull to synchronize their local data with the version tracked in the branch.
  9. This ensures that they are working with the exact same data version that you used for training your model.

  10. Automated Notifications:

  11. Utilize features in GitHub like notifications, watching a repository, or setting up automated alerts to inform team members of new commits or PRs.
  12. Team members who are closely following the project can stay updated about changes in real-time.

  13. Project Documentation:

  14. Maintain a section in your project's documentation or README file about the data versions being used. Update this section whenever a significant change is made to the dataset.

  15. Regular Team Meetings or Updates:

  16. In regular team meetings or through periodic updates (like emails or team chat channels), summarize key changes in the project, including updates to data and models.

Using Branches to Manage Data Versions

  • Branch-Specific Data Versions: In Git, different branches can be used to experiment with different data versions or model configurations. This allows you to isolate changes in a controlled environment.
  • Communicate Branch Purpose: Clearly communicate the purpose of each branch in your project documentation or in the branch name itself, e.g., feature/new-data-set-2.1.

Collaborative Tools and Integrations

  • Integration with Slack or Other Communication Tools: Consider integrating GitHub with tools like Slack to automatically post updates about commits, PRs, and branch changes.
  • Code Review Practices: Encourage thorough code reviews, where reviewers not only look at code changes but also at updates in data (as indicated by changes in .dvc files).

Workflow for Collaborative Data Updates Using DVC and GitHub

  1. Local Data Update:
  2. You update your dataset locally. This could be any modification like adding new data, editing existing data, etc.

  3. Tracking Changes with DVC:

  4. Use DVC to track these changes. Run dvc add <file_or_directory> to update the DVC tracking for the changed data. This updates the .dvc file corresponding to the data, which now reflects the new state of your dataset.

  5. Committing and Pushing to GitHub:

  6. Commit the changes to your Git repository, including the updated .dvc file and any other modified files. Your commit message should clearly describe the changes made.
  7. Push these commits to a branch in your GitHub repository.

  8. Team Member's Syncing Process:

  9. Your colleagues, upon learning about the update (via pull request, notification, or any other communication channel), will first pull the latest changes from the GitHub repository. This includes the updated .dvc files but not the actual data.
  10. They then run dvc pull in their local environment. This command fetches the updated data files from the DVC remote storage and replaces the older version of the data in their local workspace with the version you just pushed.

What Happens During the Sync?

  • DVC Remote Storage: The updated data resides in the DVC remote storage (which could be on cloud services like AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage, or a local server). When you push changes with DVC, the updated data is transferred to this remote storage.
  • Rewriting Local Data: When your colleagues run dvc pull, DVC fetches the specific version of the data associated with the latest commit from the remote storage. Their local data files are then updated (rewritten) to match this version.

Ensuring Consistency

  • Version Control of Data: The .dvc files in your Git repository ensure that everyone is aware of which version of the data should be used with the current codebase.
  • No Direct Data Overwrite in Git: It's important to note that the data files themselves are not stored or directly overwritten in the Git repository. The synchronization of the actual data files happens through DVC commands (dvc push and dvc pull), while Git handles the version control through .dvc files.


In summary, by using DVC in conjunction with Git, you can update datasets on your local machine and track these changes. When you push these changes to GitHub, your colleagues can then update their local copies to match your data version, ensuring everyone in the team is working with the same dataset. This process is crucial for maintaining consistency, reproducibility, and effective collaboration in data-driven projects.

graph TB
    A[Local Data Update] -->|DVC add| B[Track Changes with DVC]
    B --> |Git commit & push| C[Push to GitHub]
    C -->|Colleague Git pull| D[Team Member Git Sync]
    D -->|DVC pull| E[Team Member DVC Sync]
    E --> F[Local Data Updated to New Version]

    style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:black
    style B fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:black
    style C fill:#f96,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:black
    style D fill:#9f6,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:black
    style E fill:#6f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:black
    style F fill:#9ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:black

How to Read the Diagram

  • Local Data Update: This is where you make changes to your dataset locally.
  • Track Changes with DVC: After updating the data, you use dvc add to track these changes.
  • Push to GitHub: Commit the updated .dvc file and push these changes to GitHub.
  • Team Member Git Sync: Your colleagues pull the latest changes from the GitHub repository.
  • Team Member DVC Sync: They run dvc pull to synchronize their local data with the updated version stored in DVC remote storage.
  • Local Data Updated to New Version: At this point, your colleagues have the same data version as you do.

Utilizing the DVC Extension in VS Code for Data Management

Once the DVC extension is installed in VS Code, managing your data becomes more streamlined and integrated within your development environment. Here’s how you can effectively use the extension for data management:

  1. View DVC Tracked Files: Access the DVC extension's sidebar in VS Code to see a list of all DVC-tracked files and stages in your project. This offers a clear overview of your data files and their status.

  2. Execute DVC Commands: Directly interact with your data through the VS Code interface. Right-click on the DVC-tracked files or stages to run common DVC commands such as dvc pull, dvc push, or dvc repro. This feature simplifies executing DVC commands and reduces the need to switch between the terminal and the code editor.

  3. Monitor Pipeline Status: The extension provides a visualization of your DVC pipelines. You can track the progress and status of different stages in your data pipelines, making it easier to identify and resolve issues.

  4. Manage Experiments: If you are using DVC for machine learning experiments, the extension allows you to browse, compare, and manage these experiments directly within VS Code.

By incorporating these features into your workflow, the DVC extension for VS Code enhances your efficiency in managing data versions and pipelines, contributing to a more productive and organized project environment.