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Naming Conventions for Project Assets

In the intricate world of Data Science and Machine Learning (ML), the ability to navigate through vast amounts of code, data files, and documentation efficiently is pivotal to the success and maintainability of projects. Proper naming conventions are more than a mere aspect of stylistic preference; they form the backbone of project organization and play a critical role in ensuring that team members and automated systems can quickly understand and manage various project components.

This document presents a comprehensive set of guidelines designed to bring order and clarity to the diverse assets of data science and ML projects. From the way we name our GitHub repositories to the structure of our data directories, each convention has been thoughtfully crafted to align with industry best practices and the unique demands of ML workflows.

We delve into the specifics of naming branches, which enables contributors to discern the purpose of each branch at a glance, thereby streamlining collaboration and review processes. We also cover the conventions for data files, including the systematic versioning and timestamping that allow for the efficient tracking of dataset iterations and history.

Model persistence files, the artifacts of our computational efforts, are given a structured naming framework that facilitates version control and model identification across different stages of a project. Furthermore, we extend these principles to the naming of Jupyter notebooks and scripts, recognizing their role as both developmental tools and as part of the project's documentation.

In addition to defining these standards, we are committed to enforcing them through automated means. This document outlines how GitHub Actions can be leveraged to ensure adherence to these conventions, providing examples and setup instructions for integrating these checks into your continuous integration and deployment pipelines.

By adhering to the naming conventions and enforcement strategies outlined in this document, teams can achieve a level of operational harmony that not only optimizes current project workflows but also paves the way for future scalability and knowledge transfer.

GitHub Repository Naming Conventions for Data Science Projects


Choosing the right naming convention for GitHub repositories in data science projects is crucial for clarity, organization, and ease of navigation. A well-defined naming convention helps team members and stakeholders to quickly understand the scope and purpose of a repository at a glance. This section outlines the guidelines for naming GitHub repositories related to data science projects.

Naming Convention Structure

Repositories should be named following this format:



  • Prefix: A concise identifier related to the project's domain or main technology.
  • Descriptive Name: A clear and specific description of the repository's content or purpose.
  • Optional Version: A version number, if applicable, to distinguish between different iterations or stages of the project.


  1. Choose an Appropriate Prefix
  2. The prefix should represent the key area or technology of the project, like ml for machine learning, nlp for natural language processing, cv for computer vision, etc.
  3. This helps in categorizing and quickly identifying the project's domain.

  4. Be Clear and Specific

  5. Use descriptive and meaningful terms that accurately reflect the primary focus or functionality of the repository.
  6. Avoid vague or overly broad terms that do not convey the specific purpose of the repository.

  7. Include Versioning Where Necessary

  8. For projects that have multiple versions or stages, include a version number at the end of the repository name.
  9. This is useful for tracking development progress and differentiating between major project phases.

  10. Maintain Consistency

  11. Keep all repository names in lowercase and use hyphens (-) to separate words. This enhances readability and avoids issues with URL encoding.


  • ml-predictive-modeling
  • nlp-chatbot-interface
  • cv-facial-recognition-v1
  • ds-data-cleaning-tools


Adopting these naming conventions for GitHub repositories in data science projects promotes a structured and systematic approach to repository management. It ensures that the repository names are informative, organized, and aligned with the project's objectives and technical domain.

Git Branch Naming Standards for ML Projects


For machine learning projects, the clarity of the Git repository is non-negotiable. A consistent approach to branch naming is fundamental to this clarity. It enables rapid identification of the branch's purpose, streamlining collaboration and making navigation within the repository more intuitive.

Naming Convention Structure

Branch names must be constructed as follows:



  • Category: A concise keyword that delineates the branch based on the nature of the work being conducted.
  • Description: A succinct, yet informative descriptor of the specific task, feature, or focus of the branch.
  • Issue Number or Jira Key: This is a mandatory inclusion that connects the branch to a corresponding task or issue in your project management tool, be it GitHub or Jira.


Categories provide immediate context regarding the branch's domain of work. Standard categories include:

Category Description
feature New feature development or enhancements
bugfix Targeted branches for bug resolution
data Data management activities, like acquisition or processing
experiment Exploratory or experimental development
model Model creation, testing, or deployment
docs Documentation creation or updates
refactor Code restructuring to improve performance without altering functionality
test Test development or modification
chore Routine tasks or minor updates


Below are examples of branch names that adhere to our standards:

  • feature/user-authentication-DATA123
  • data/dataset-enhancement-GH15
  • model/performance-improvement-DATA22
  • bugfix/data-loading-error-GH45
  • docs/api-documentation-update
  • refactor/code-optimization-DATA78
  • test/new-model-tests-GH27


  • Maintain lowercase lettering in all branch names for uniformity.
  • Use hyphens to separate words within the branch name, ensuring readability.
  • Keep branch names brief, yet descriptive enough to clearly articulate their intent at a glance.
  • Including the issue number or Jira key in the branch name is not optional; it is a required practice for traceability and coherence.


Adhering to these branch naming conventions is imperative for the organization and accessibility of our ML project repositories. It supports our team in promptly discerning the intent of each branch, enhancing effective collaboration and project oversight.

Git Commit Message Standards for ML Projects


Clear and informative commit messages are a cornerstone of effective team collaboration in machine learning projects. To enhance this aspect of our workflow, we incorporate tools that facilitate the creation of standardized commit messages and link them to their respective task management entries. This section details the standards and tools to assist with writing commit messages that include GitHub issue numbers or Jira keys.

Commit Message Structure

Commit messages should adhere to the following format:

<type>(<scope>): <subject> [#issue_number | #jira_key]




  • Type: The category of change you're committing.
  • Scope: The particular area of the codebase affected by the changes.
  • Subject: A brief description of the changes, including the issue tracker reference.
  • Body: An in-depth explanation of the changes and the reasoning behind them.
  • Footer: Any additional notes or references.

Commit Types

Consistency in the types of changes committed is key for readability and organization. Here's a table of types to use in commit messages, similar to those used for branch naming:

Type Description
feat Introducing new features or enhancements
fix Bug fixes
data Modifications in data processing or management
experiment Changes to experimental or exploratory code
model Changes related to model development, testing, or deployment
docs Documentation additions or updates
refactor Code changes that enhance performance without altering functionality
test Test writing or fixing
chore Routine tasks or updates not impacting the production code

Best Practices

  1. Make it Concise: The subject line should be succinct yet descriptive. It’s the first line of communication and often what people will see in their notifications or logs.
  2. Use the Imperative Mood: Write your commit message as if you are giving an order or instruction. For example, “fix” instead of “fixed” or “fixes”.
  3. Capitalize the Subject Line: Start the subject line with a capital letter.
  4. Do Not End the Subject Line with a Period: The subject line is a title or headline; it doesn’t need a period at the end.
  5. Separate Subject from Body with a Blank Line: This helps various tools (e.g., log, shortlog) to correctly identify the subject from the rest of the content.
  6. Use the Body to Explain the "What" and "Why": Not just the "how". The code itself explains “how” a change has been made; the commit message should explain what and why.
  7. Reference Issues and Pull Requests Liberally: When applicable, include links to the related issues and pull requests, which provides additional context.

VS Code Extensions for Commit Messages

To support our commit message standards, we recommend using the following Visual Studio Code extensions:

  • Gitmoji for VS Code: An extension that allows you to include emoji in your commit messages, which can help to quickly identify the purpose or nature of a change. It's available on the VS Code Marketplace: Gitmoji.

  • Commit Message Editor: This extension helps to enforce the structure of a commit message, ensuring that each part of our commit message standard is followed. It offers prompts and snippets to guide you in creating a well-formatted message.

Reference for Best Practices

For an in-depth understanding of best practices for git commit messages, refer to the following article: Git Commit Message Best Practices. This article provides a comprehensive guide and rationale behind the composition of effective commit messages.


By utilizing the outlined commit message structure, type guidelines, and recommended VS Code extensions, our team can ensure a uniform and informative history in our repository. Commit messages become more than a formality; they transform into a rich log that conveys the what, why, and how of our development process, enhancing clarity and streamlining collaboration.

Naming Conventions for Data Folders in ML Projects


In Machine Learning (ML) projects, organizing and managing data efficiently is crucial. Adopting a clear and consistent naming convention for data folders not only facilitates better data management but also enhances collaboration and project understanding. Below are guidelines for naming data folders in ML projects.

Folder Structure and Naming Convention

The data folder structure should be organized into distinct categories, each serving a specific purpose in the data processing pipeline. Here’s the recommended structure:

├── raw                   # Original, immutable data dump
├── external              # Data from third-party sources
├── interim               # Intermediate data, partially processed
├── processed             # Fully processed data, ready for analysis
└── features              # Engineered features ready for model training

Guidelines for Naming

  1. Descriptive and Clear:
  2. Folder names should be self-explanatory, indicating clearly what type of data they contain.

  3. Consistent Format:

  4. Use a consistent naming format across all folders. The recommended format is all lowercase with words separated by hyphens for readability.

  5. Standard Categories:

  6. Stick to standard naming categories (raw, external, interim, processed, features) as they are widely recognized in data science and ML communities.

  7. Avoid Overly Specific Names:

  8. While being descriptive, avoid overly specific names which might become irrelevant as the project evolves. The name should be broad enough to encompass various data types that might fall into that category.

Explanation of Categories

  • Raw:
  • Contains the original datasets. Data in this folder is immutable and serves as a backup for all processing steps.

  • External:

  • For data sourced from outside the original dataset. This includes third-party data, external APIs, or any supplementary data.

  • Interim:

  • Holds data that is in the process of being cleaned or transformed. Useful for datasets that are not final but are needed in intermediate stages.

  • Processed:

  • Contains the final version of the dataset, which is ready for analysis or modeling. Data in this folder is cleaned, formatted, and pre-processed.

  • Features:

  • Dedicated to storing feature sets that are used in machine learning models. This includes transformed data, new features, and selected features.


Adhering to this naming convention for data folders will ensure a well-organized and manageable data structure in your ML projects. It facilitates easy access, understanding, and efficient data handling, crucial for the success of any ML project.

Data Files Naming Conventions in ML Projects


Proper naming conventions for data files are essential in Machine Learning (ML) projects to ensure easy identification, management, and tracking of datasets. This guide provides a structured approach to naming data files, particularly when handling multiple versions, subsets, or types of data.

Naming Convention Structure

Data file names should follow this format:



  • Dataset Name: A concise identifier for the dataset.
  • Version: Version number or identifier of the dataset.
  • Creation Date: Date when the dataset was created or last modified, in the format YYYYMMDD.
  • Description: A brief, clear description of the dataset or its specific subset.
  • Extension: The appropriate file extension (e.g., .csv, .xlsx, .json).


  1. Clarity and Descriptiveness:
  2. Ensure the name is descriptive enough to give an immediate understanding of the dataset’s content and scope.

  3. Consistency:

  4. Maintain consistency in the naming convention across all data files. This includes consistent use of underscores, date formats, and versioning systems.

  5. Versioning:

  6. Use a logical versioning system, like semantic versioning (e.g., v1.0, v1.1, v2.0) or sequential numbering (01, 02, etc.).

  7. Date Format:

  8. Stick to a standard date format (YYYYMMDD). This avoids ambiguity and makes it easy to sort files chronologically.

  9. Concise Descriptions:

  10. Keep the description part brief yet informative. Avoid overly long names but provide enough context to distinguish the dataset.

  11. File Extensions:

  12. Use appropriate file extensions to indicate the file type, which helps in quickly identifying the software or tools needed to open them.


  • customer_data_v1.0_20240101_initial.csv
  • sales_report_v2.2_20240305_updated.xlsx
  • image_dataset_v1.0_20240220_raw.json


Adhering to these naming conventions for data files in ML projects will significantly enhance data manageability. It ensures ease of access, effective version control, and clear understanding, facilitating efficient data analysis and collaboration within the team.

Model Persistence File Naming Conventions

Model Persistence File


When persisting machine learning models, adopting a consistent naming convention for binary files is crucial. This ensures easy identification and management of different model versions across various projects. The recommended format now includes the project name, model version, model type, and a timestamp.

Field Definition
project_name The name of the project the model is associated with
model_version The version of the model, following semantic versioning (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH)
model_type Type or name of the model (e.g., linearReg, neuralNet)
timestamp Date when the model was persisted (YYYYMMDD format)


  • service_sage_v1.2.0_linearReg_20240123.pkl - Indicates a linear regression model from the Service Sage project, version 1.2.0, updated on January 23, 2024.
  • one_assist_v3.0.1_neuralNet_20240215.pkl - Represents a neural network model for One Assist, version 3.0.1, updated on February 15, 2024.

Versioning Scheme

  • MAJOR: Incremented for incompatible API changes.
  • MINOR: Incremented for adding functionality in a backward-compatible manner.
  • PATCH: Incremented for backward-compatible bug fixes.

Metadata Storage

  • Alongside each model file, store a corresponding JSON file containing model metadata (e.g., service_sage_v1.2.0_linearReg_20240123_metadata.json). This should include information about training data, model parameters, performance metrics, etc.

Documentation and Registry

  • Maintain a Makefile to automate the documentation or registry generation process. This file should include commands to create and update a comprehensive list of all models, their versions, descriptions, and changelogs for team collaboration and future reference.

Automate Metadata Creation using JSON files

Below is an example of a Python script that trains a simple linear regression model using Scikit-Learn, then saves the model along with a JSON file containing metadata. The metadata includes information such as the model's parameters, performance metrics, and training data characteristics.

import json
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score
from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
import joblib

# Load sample data
data = load_boston()
X =
y =

# Split the data into training and testing sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)

# Train a linear regression model
model = LinearRegression(), y_train)

# Predict using the model
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)

# Calculate performance metrics
mse = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)
r2 = r2_score(y_test, y_pred)

# Save the model
model_filename = 'linear_regression_model.pkl'
joblib.dump(model, model_filename)

# Metadata
metadata = {
    'model_name': 'Linear Regression',
    'timestamp': '20240123',
    'model_parameters': model.get_params(),
    'performance_metrics': {
        'mean_squared_error': mse,
        'r2_score': r2
    'data_description': 'Boston housing dataset',
    'feature_names': data.feature_names.tolist(),
    'target_name': 'Housing Price'

# Save metadata to a JSON file
metadata_filename = 'service_sage_v1.2.0_linearReg_20240123_metadata.json'
with open(metadata_filename, 'w') as f:
    json.dump(metadata, f, indent=4)

print(f"Model and metadata saved as {model_filename} and {metadata_filename} respectively.")

In this script:

  • The Boston housing dataset is used for demonstration purposes.
  • A linear regression model is trained on the dataset.
  • The model is then used to make predictions on the test set.
  • Performance metrics like Mean Squared Error (MSE) and R-squared (R2) are calculated.
  • The model is saved as a pickle file using joblib.
  • Metadata including model parameters, performance metrics, and data description are saved in a JSON file.

This script provides a basic framework. You might need to adjust it according to the specifics of your dataset, model, and required metadata details.

Assuming the script has been run as provided, the output of the JSON file (service_sage_v1.2.0_linearReg_20240123_metadata.json) would hypothetically look like this:

    "model_name": "Linear Regression",
    "timestamp": "20240123",
    "model_parameters": {
        "copy_X": true,
        "fit_intercept": true,
        "n_jobs": null,
        "normalize": false
    "performance_metrics": {
        "mean_squared_error": 24.291119474973684,
        "r2_score": 0.6687594935356314
    "data_description": "Boston housing dataset",
    "feature_names": [
        "CRIM", "ZN", "INDUS", "CHAS", "NOX", "RM", "AGE", "DIS", "RAD", "TAX", "PTRATIO", "B", "LSTAT"
    "target_name": "Housing Price"

In this hypothetical example:

  • The model_parameters section includes the parameters used for the linear regression model. These values are defaults from Scikit-Learn's LinearRegression.
  • The performance_metrics show the Mean Squared Error (MSE) and R-squared (R2) values calculated from the model's predictions on the test dataset. The actual numbers (24.291119474973684 for MSE and 0.6687594935356314 for R2) are hypothetical and would vary based on the training and test data splits, as well as any changes in model parameters or the underlying data.
  • The data_description, feature_names, and target_name provide context about the dataset used for training the model.

Using Markdown files for Model Documentation

Here's a Markdown file ( that documents the process and output of the Python script for training a linear regression model and generating its metadata file. This documentation can be included in your project repository to explain the model and metadata creation process.

# Linear Regression Model Documentation

## Overview
This document describes the process of training a Linear Regression model using the Boston housing dataset. It also details the generation of a metadata file that accompanies the model, capturing essential information about the model parameters, performance metrics, and data characteristics.

## Model Training
The model is trained using the Boston housing dataset from Scikit-Learn. We perform a basic train-test split, train a Linear Regression model using the training data, and then evaluate its performance on the test data.

### Data
- **Dataset Used**: Boston Housing Dataset
- **Target**: Housing Price

## Model Parameters
The model is trained with the following parameters:
- **fit_intercept**: true
- **normalize**: false
- **copy_X**: true
- **n_jobs**: null

These parameters are the default settings for Scikit-Learn's LinearRegression model.

## Performance Metrics
The model's performance is evaluated using the following metrics:
- **Mean Squared Error (MSE)**
- **R-squared (R2)**

The values for these metrics are computed based on the model's predictions on the test set.

## Metadata File
Alongside the model, a metadata file (`service_sage_v1.2.0_linearReg_20240123_metadata.json`) is generated. This JSON file includes:
- **Model Name**: Linear Regression
- **Timestamp**: Date when the model is trained and metadata is generated.
- **Model Parameters**: A list of parameters used to train the model.
- **Performance Metrics**: MSE and R2 values calculated from the test set.
- **Data Description**: Brief description of the dataset used.
- **Feature Names**: List of feature names from the dataset.
- **Target Name**: Name of the target variable.

## File Generation
The model is saved as a pickle file (`service_sage_v1.2.0_linearReg_20240123.pkl`), and the metadata is stored in a JSON file (`service_sage_v1.2.0_linearReg_20240123_metadata.json`). These files provide a snapshot of the model at the time of training, along with relevant information about its performance and configuration.

This Markdown file offers a concise yet comprehensive overview of the model training and metadata generation process, suitable for inclusion in project documentation or a repository readme. It explains the dataset, model parameters, performance metrics, and the structure of the generated metadata file.

Directory Structure

Store related files in the same directory. For better organization, especially for projects with multiple models, use subdirectories:


Notebook and Script Naming Conventions in ML Projects


Properly naming Jupyter notebooks and scripts is essential for quick identification, efficient management, and collaborative ease in machine learning projects. A systematic naming convention helps in understanding the file's purpose at a glance and tracking its evolution over time.

Naming Convention Structure

Names for notebooks and scripts should follow this format:



  • Type: A short identifier indicating the nature of the work (e.g., eda for exploratory data analysis, preprocess for data preprocessing, model for model training).
  • Topic: A concise descriptor of the notebook's or script's main focus.
  • Version: An optional version number or identifier, especially useful if the notebook or script undergoes significant iterative updates.
  • Date: The creation or last modified date in YYYYMMDD format.
  • Extension: The file extension, like .ipynb for Jupyter notebooks, .py for Python scripts.


  1. Descriptive and Purposeful:
  2. Start with a type that categorizes the file based on its primary purpose in the ML workflow.
  3. The topic should be sufficiently descriptive to convey the specific focus or task of the notebook/script.

  4. Versioning:

  5. Include a version number if the file is part of an iterative process, such as v1, v2, or more detailed semantic versioning like 1.0, 1.1.

  6. Date Stamp:

  7. Adding the date (in YYYYMMDD format) helps in identifying the most recent version or understanding the timeline of development.

  8. Consistency:

  9. Maintain a consistent naming convention across all notebooks and scripts for ease of organization and retrieval.

  10. Clarity and Brevity:

  11. Ensure the name is clear yet concise. Avoid overly long names but provide enough information to understand the file's content and purpose.


  • eda_customer_segmentation_v1_20240101.ipynb
  • model_train_regression_20240310.ipynb


This naming convention for Jupyter notebooks and scripts will foster a more organized and manageable ML project environment. It aids in quickly locating specific files, understanding their purpose, and tracking their evolution over time.

Enforcing Naming Conventions Using GitHub Actions


In machine learning projects, maintaining consistent naming conventions across various assets like Jupyter notebooks, scripts, model files, data files, and Git branches is essential for organization and clarity. To enforce these conventions, we can utilize GitHub Actions, an automation tool that integrates seamlessly with GitHub repositories.

GitHub Actions for Naming Convention Checks

GitHub Actions can be configured to automatically run checks on the names of files and branches whenever a new commit is pushed or a pull request is made. This process helps ensure that all team members adhere to the established naming conventions.

Setup and Configuration

  1. Creating the Workflow File:
  2. A YAML file is created in the .github/workflows/ directory of the repository, named check_naming_convention.yml.
  3. This file defines the GitHub Action workflow, specifying when the checks should run (e.g., on push and pull requests) and what script to execute.

  4. Writing the Validation Script:

  5. A Python script,, is placed in the .github/scripts/ directory.
  6. This script contains functions to validate the naming conventions of Jupyter notebooks, Python scripts, model persistence files, data files, and Git branches.
  7. The script uses regular expressions to match filenames and branch names against the specified patterns.

  8. Workflow Execution:

  9. The workflow runs the Python script whenever code is pushed to the repository or a pull request is made.
  10. The script checks each file and branch name involved in the push/pull request against the defined naming conventions.
  11. If a naming convention violation is detected, the script exits with a non-zero status, causing the GitHub Action to fail. This failure is visible in the pull request or push, alerting the contributor to the naming issue.

Example Workflow File

name: Check Naming Convention

on: [push, pull_request]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: Validate Naming Convention
      run: python .github/scripts/
        GITHUB_REF: ${{ github.ref }}

Example Python Script Structure

This module `` is part of a GitHub Actions workflow
designed to enforce naming conventions across various assets in a
machine learning project. It includes functions to validate the naming
of Jupyter notebooks, Python scripts, model persistence files, data
files, and Git branches.

The module contains the following key functions: -
`validate_ml_file_naming`: Checks naming conventions for Jupyter
notebooks and Python scripts.  - `validate_model_file_naming`: Ensures
model file names adhere to the specified naming standards.  -
`validate_data_file_naming`: Validates data file names against the
project's naming conventions.  - `validate_git_branch_naming`: Checks if
the Git branch names follow the predefined naming patterns.

The script is executed as part of a GitHub Actions workflow and is
essential for maintaining consistency, readability, and organization of
files in the repository.

Note: - This script is meant to be run as a GitHub Action and relies on
environmental variables provided by GitHub workflows.  - Regular
expressions are used for pattern matching to validate the naming

import os
import re
import sys

def validate_ml_file_naming(filename):
    Check if the filename adheres to the ML project's naming convention.

    filename : str
        The name of the file to be checked.

        True if the filename matches the naming convention, False

    The naming convention expected:
    '<type>_<topic>_<version>_<YYYYMMDD>.<extension>' Where: - <type> is
    a flexible, user-defined category (e.g., 'eda', 'preprocess').  -
    <topic> is a concise descriptor of the main focus.  - <version> is
    an optional version identifier.  - <YYYYMMDD> is the creation or
    last modified date.  - <extension> is either '.ipynb' for Jupyter
    notebooks or '.py' for Python scripts.
    # Regex pattern with a more flexible 'type' component
    pattern = re.compile(r"^\w+_\w+(_v\d+)?_\d{8}\.[ipynb|py]$")
    return pattern.match(filename)

def validate_model_file_naming(filename):
    Check if the filename adheres to the model persistence file naming

    filename : str
        The name of the model file to be checked.

        True if the filename matches the naming convention, False

    The naming convention for model persistence files is:
    '<project_name>_<model_version>_<model_type>_<timestamp>.pkl' This
    includes: - `project_name`: Name of the project.  - `model_version`:
    Version of the model, following semantic versioning.  -
    `model_type`: Type or name of the model.  - `timestamp`: Date when
    the model was saved (YYYYMMDD format).
    pattern = re.compile(r"^\w+_(v\d+\.\d+\.\d+)_\w+_\d{8}\.pkl$")
    return pattern.match(filename)

def validate_data_file_naming(filename):
    Check if the filename adheres to the data file naming convention.

    filename : str
        The name of the data file to be checked.

        True if the filename matches the naming convention, False

    The naming convention for data files is:
    This includes: - `dataset_name`: Identifier for the dataset.  -
    `version`: Version of the dataset, following semantic versioning or
    numbering.  - `creation_date`: Date of creation or last modification
    (YYYYMMDD format).  - `description`: Brief description of the
    dataset or subset.  - `extension`: File extension indicating the
    file type (e.g., 'csv', 'xlsx', 'json').
    pattern = re.compile(r"^\w+_(v\d+\.\d+\.\d+|\d+)_\d{8}_\w+\.\w+$")
    return pattern.match(filename)

def validate_git_branch_naming():
    Check if the Git branch name adheres to the naming convention.
    branch_ref = os.getenv("GITHUB_REF")
    if not branch_ref:
        print("No branch reference found.")
        return True  # Might not be a branch push, so don't fail the check.

    # Extract the branch name from refs/heads/your-branch-name
    branch_name = branch_ref.split("/")[-1]
    pattern = re.compile(
    return pattern.match(branch_name)

def main():
    The main function to validate naming conventions in a machine
    learning project.

    This function executes a series of naming convention checks on
    various file types, including model files, Jupyter notebooks, Python
    scripts, and data files. It also validates Git branch names. If any
    file or branch name does not adhere to the predefined naming
    conventions, the function flags an error.

    The checks are performed as follows: - For Git branch names, using
    the `validate_git_branch_naming` function.  - For model files
    (*.pkl), using the `validate_model_file_naming` function.  - For
    Jupyter notebooks and Python scripts (*.ipynb, *.py), using the
      `validate_ml_file_naming` function.
    - For data files (*.csv, *.xlsx, *.json), using the
      `validate_data_file_naming` function.

    If any naming convention violations are found, the script exits with
    a status code of 1, indicating an error. This is used in the context
    of GitHub Actions workflows to flag naming convention violations in
    pull requests or pushes.
    error = False
    if not validate_git_branch_naming():
        print(f"Invalid Git branch naming convention.")
        error = True

    for root, _, files in os.walk("."):
        for file in files:
            if file.endswith(".pkl") and not validate_model_file_naming(file):
                print(f"Invalid model file naming convention: {file}")
                error = True
            elif file.endswith((".ipynb", ".py")) and not \
                print(f"Invalid notebook/script naming convention: {file}")
                error = True
            elif file.endswith((".csv", ".xlsx", ".json")) and \
                 not validate_data_file_naming(file):
                print(f"Invalid data file naming convention: {file}")
                error = True

    if error:

if __name__ == "__main__":


Implementing this GitHub Actions workflow ensures that all team members adhere to the agreed-upon naming conventions, thereby maintaining consistency and organization across the project's assets. This automated check acts as a first line of defense, preventing naming irregularities from being merged into the main codebase.