Certifications at Coursera and edX
- Introduction to Linux - Linux Fundation
- Learning From Data (Machine Learning) - Caltech - edX
- Big Data Analysis with Apache Spark - Berkeley - edX
- Introduction to Apache Spark - Berkeley - edX
- Statistical Learning - Stanford - edX
- Computing for Data Analysis - Johns Hopkins - Coursera
- Neural Networks for Machine Learning - (enrolled)
Courses at SAS Institute
- SAS Introduction to SAS and Hadoop
- SAS Credit Scoring for Banking
- SAS The Art and Science of Insurance Fraud Detection
- SAS Development of Credit Scoring Applications Using SAS Enterprise Miner
- SAS Extending SAS Enterprise Miner with User-Written Nodes
- SAS Advanced Predictive Modeling Using SAS Enterprise Miner
- SAS Mining Textual Data Using SAS Text Miner for SAS 9
- SAS Decision Trees Modeling
- SAS Applied Clustering Techniques
- SAS Applied Analytics Using SAS Enterprise Miner
- SAS Data Preparation for Data Mining Using SAS Software
- SAS Statistical Graphics with ODS
- SAS Mixed Models Analyses Using SAS
- SAS Statistical Analysis with the GLIMMIX procedure
- SAS Multilevel Modeling of Hierarchical and Longitudinal Data Using SAS
- SAS Fitting Poisson Regression Models Using the GENMOD Procedure
- SAS Survival Analysis Using the Proportional Hazards Model
- SAS Predictive Modeling Using Logistic Regression
- SAS Categorical Data Analysis Using Logistic Regression
- SAS Statistics 2: ANOVA and Regression
- SAS Statistics 1: Introduction to ANOVA, Regression, and Logistic Regression
- SAS Producing Maps with SAS GRAPH
- SAS Enterprise Guide 2: Advanced Tasks and Querying
- SAS Enterprise Guide 1: Querying and Reporting
- SAS SQL 1: Essentials
- SAS Macro Language 2 Developing Macro Applications
- SAS Macro Language 1 Essentials
- SAS Programming 3: Advanced Techniques and Efficiencies
- SAS Programming 2: Data Manipulations Techniques
- SAS Programming 1: Essentials
- Training Program for Managers FRM Financial Risk GARP
- SAS Creating Stored Processes Using SAS 9.2
- SAS Introduction to Programming with SAS IML Software
- JMP Software: ANOVA and Regression
- JMP Software: Data Exploration
Courses at Liberty Mutual
- Fundamentals of project management
- Survival Analysis
- Mixed Models for Longitudinal Categorical Outcomes
- Machine Learning II – Elastic Nets
- Fundamentals of Radar – Towers Watson training
- Liberty Internal education in Radar, Classifier and Emblem
Independent coursework
- Jupyter Notebook for Data Science Teams
- Deep Laerning with Python
- XGBoost with Python
- Deep Learning Prerequisites: The Numpy Stack in Python
- Supercharge R with SparkR
- Introduction to Apache Spark
- Introduction to PySpark
- Using Spark in the Hadoop Ecosystem
- Hadoop Fundaments for Data Scientist
- Data Analytics Using Spark and Hadoop
- Taming Big Data with Apache Spark and Python
- Taming Big Data with MapReduce and Hadoop
- Big Data Bisics: Hadoop, MapReduce,Hive, Pig & Spark
- Hadoop Starter Kit
- Apache Spark 2.0 + Python: Do big Data Analytics & ML
- Advanced Machine Learning with scikit-learn
- Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp
- Matplot for Developers - Data Visualization and Analsys with Python
- Data visualization Basics with Python
- Data Wrangling and Analysis with Python
- Data Exploration in Python - Best Practices for Developers
- Learning Python for Data Analytisis and Visualization
- Complete Python Bootcamp
- R Programming A-Z: R For Data Science
- R Programming: Advanced Analytics for R for Data Science
- Ubuntu Linux Server Basics
- Linux for Junior Systems Administrators
- Vagrant Up! Comprhehensive development system automation
- Complete Linux Shell Training for Beginners
- Unleashing the Mac OS X Terminal
- Git Complete: The definitive step-by-step guide to Git
- Learning VirtualBox: Step by Step
- Ubuntu Desktop for Beginners: Start Using Linux
- Markdown Mastery: Simple yet Powerful Writing Format
- The Complete SQL Bootcamp